Wednesday, July 25, 2007

"My most valuable thing"

Each of us have our own valuable things. But there is something that is the most valuable thing than the rest. Most of us cannot live without our valuable things. That’s why we treasure it to the rest of our life.
I have many valuable things that I have but there is the most important among the rest of my valuables. This important valuable that I have is not a thing place or events, it is a person that I value most of my life.
Ethel Go Manlangit is my mother, she is the most valuable person that I have. I’ve seen her sacrifices many times for us to experience luxury in life. When we I was young my father died because of cancer. After that she is the one who support our financial needs. All of my mother’s sacrifices, I promise to her that I will do my best on my studies and I will not let her down on it. I have already my plans for my mother after I will reach or finish my study and became a professional man someday. I will not let her work anymore for me, I am the one who will support her financial needs and I will let experience to my mother how I love her so much and I proud of her that my mother never give up in spite of the hard challenges that she experience for us only to raise us up well.

My mama is very valuable to me; she serves as my inspiration that’s why I will do my very best in order not to waste the sacrifices that my mama give to us. “I love you mama”!!

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