Monday, July 23, 2007

Prelim Hands On Exam on Computer Application!

July 17, 2007, we had our prelim exam on computer application and we use computer to answer our exam. This is the first time that I had my examination online. It was fun and interesting even it is easy for others to cheat tho their classmate beside them c=. I am overwhelmed with our examination because our world today are really evolving. Everyday we are changing specially those gadgets and computers that we are using in our day to day hobie's and needs. I am expecting that next examination that i will encounter must be more convenient and high tech for us to be more comfortable and our minds are in good condition to take an exam.
I like to suggest that all subject not only in our computer application that we will use computer to take an exam. If that will be implemented, it will help us students to be more comfortable in taking the exam of all of our subjects. It will also take less time to check the answer of the student because it has been already program to check it immediately. I am saying this not only to our benefits as a student, it also help those teachers to less their time in doing paper works or checking our examination.
In coming midterm, I am not assuming that my suggestion that I stated earlier are must be work immediately this will serve more time to plan for the good benefits of many. I will still applying old style in taking examination and try to do more my best in my coming examination. I am just hoping that my suggestion can heard by the authority of our school (University of Immaculate Conception).

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